
Cars from the USA by

American standard

Our partners’ success is our success. We provide them with all business tools and share our 18 year experience in vehicles import from the USA.

Work directly to gain more!
Cooperation with W8 Shipping by American standard
Na środku zdjęcia znajduje się magazyn z dużym logo W8 na dachu oraz mniejszymi logo nad kilkoma wejściami. Wokół magazynu jest parking, na którym jest zaparkowanych wiele samochodów.

When starting or expanding your US car import business, it is important to have reliable partners. One of the key aspects of it is high-quality reliable logistics. This is one of the most difficult processes in the USA car import business.

W8 Shipping is an American company with its own logistics infrastructure, warehouses, offices and team in the USA. Your company’s success and happy clients are of our priority. Work directly and get more with the slightest costs and risks. We work by American standard so that you always get more than you expect.

Our mission and values

We provide our business customers with professional services in purchasing, transporting and delivering cars from the USA. We support those importers who ensure more and more people can afford cars in top gear and perfect condition. That is why we work by clear and demanding American standard.

American Standard W8 Shipping is:

1 Clients’ best result is our priority.

Interests of our buyers and partners are our top priority all the way through the car’s journey from the US to Europe.

2 Expertise.

The 18 years experience is your guarantee. We have been managing processes masterfully and offering effective solutions and guaranteed results since 2005.

3 Personal control of quality.

We keep every stage of logistics under our careful control, and our specialists are always available and ready to provide you with all information.

4 Transparency and openness.

Transparency of the transaction with open information for the client, open commission and no hidden fees – a real American standard. We work strictly within the law with official agreements, payments and taxes. We bear legal responsibility outlined in an official contract.

5 Long-term cooperation.

A good relationship with a client is our goal, not just means. A long-term cooperation is a key to new opportunities and favorable terms for all partners.

6 Stability.

Carefully calibrated processes guarantee reliable and predictable results today and within the long-term prospects.

7 Innovation and effectiveness.

We provide our customers with convenient and efficient solutions that facilitate comfortable cooperation and guarantee the rapid growth of their enterprise.

8 We always exceed your expectations.

Our greatest sucess is the sucess of our customers. That’s why we give you every opportunity to achieve your goals. Together we can do more!


Why is purchasing car from the USA cost-efficient?

The huge American car market is all about getting more. And it’s not just about the best price, car components, year of manufacture and fair mileage. We are talking about cars that can become much more than just transportation means for many Europeans.

For some – it is a dream comes true, for others – an opportunity to express their personality, and for you it’s a perfect opportunity for extra income or even a full-fledged business.

Save up to 40% off the price of a used car.

Save up to 40% off the price of a used car.

The price of used cars in the US is really affordable. American cars will cost 20-40% cheaper than in Europe. The opportunity to make money is obvious.

Best-equipped cars.

Best-equipped cars.

Luxury is the norm in the USA. American manufacturers equip cars according to the latest innovations and trends. American cars are far better than cars in Europe.

Excellent technical condition of the car.

Excellent technical condition of the car.

Every 3-5 years Americans buy new cars, and put their old ones up for sale.

A wide range of brands and models.

A wide range of brands and models.

Thousands of crossovers, hatchbacks, minivans, sedans, pickup trucks from American, European and Asian manufacturers will be at your disposal. This is your opportunity to meet the needs of any customer.

True operating history.

True operating history.

Each car is assigned a number, which can be found in the database of the U.S. Department of Motor Vehicles. Upon request you can get any information: whether the car was in an accident, the number of owners, mileage, date of the last inspection and more. There nothing you won’t know about the car.

Profitable business.

Profitable business.

Hundreds of vehicles are imported from the United States to Poland every month. This is the right time to join the community of successful importers.

A car without compromises.

A car without compromises.

You will find (sell) a car that you can’t buy in Europe. It will be in the right equipment, color and for the money you can afford or are willing to invest. Strive for the best – gain more. The car that the customer will not find in Europe. In maximum equipment and excellent condition.

Use our experience and resources to grow your business!

Thanks to our systematically improved processes, you will not only achieve the expected results, but also get extra opportunities for yourself and your customers. We implement the American Standard on the European market so that you always get more and can achieve more.

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Poland, Warsaw

Grójecka 194/2 Warsaw, 02-390 PL

USA, Savannah

4895 Old Louisville Rd.
Garden City
GA 31408, USA

USA, Los Angeles

24700 S Main St.
CA 90745, USA

USA, Houston

6101 E Grand Parkway S
TX 77523, USA

USA, New Jersey

2001 Lower Rd
NJ 07036

USA, Tacoma

2102 Milwaukee Way
WA 98421

BUSINESS IN POLAND W8 SHIPPING LLC with its registered office in Warsaw at Grójecka 194/2, 02-390 Warsaw, registered in the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw in Warsaw, XII. Economic Department of the National Court Register under the KRS number 0000967486; NIP: 701-108-61-09 REGON: 521916164; share capital (paid-up and/or undergoing changes in the KRS) 50 000 PLN